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Tech & customer working on AC unit

Memorial Day is the unofficial start of the summer season. To get ready for the coming summer heat, you should start by inspecting your air conditioner to ensure it’s ready for primetime. The summer months provide an opportunity for a well-maintained air conditioner to prove its weight in gold. Let’s be honest, no one wants to sit inside a hot and uncomfortable home, and when your air conditioner is broken, your home becomes the last place you want to be. So, before you break out the swimsuits and popsicles, take a moment and consider tackling some easy DIY maintenance on your air conditioner. Don’t worry about the more challenging aspects of HVAC servicing and care; that’s where your trusted Richmond AC maintenance professional can step in to help!

Easy AC Maintenance Steps to Improve System Performance

HVAC System

Many of the basic tasks that fall under the heading of air conditioner maintenance are simple enough for you to do in your spare time, and the bonus is they will help save the life of your air conditioner and yield big results. So, before starting any work on your air conditioner or any electrical appliance, begin by turning off the circuit breaker to the targeted device to keep yourself safe while working.

  • Replacing Basic Parts: While it may seem like more than basic DIY air conditioner maintenance, checking your system for worn or damaged external parts is uncomplicated. Changing your system’s filter falls into this category of a basic yet important maintenance task. The filters in your air conditioner can become dirty faster than you realize, and when they are dirty, they can’t prevent dirt, debris, and dust from entering your HVAC system. The airflow to your air conditioner will become restricted when the filter is dirty, which translates to reduced performance and increased system wear and tear. We will discuss filters again in the next section. Another easy and basic step you can complete is inspecting your system’s coolant line for wear and tear. The coolant line should be protected by a layer of insulation, which can become frayed and worn. If the insulation casing is damaged or worn, replacing the part is an easy fix.

  • Removing Debris and Cleaning: Your HVAC system should be able to operate without obstructions, which means if there are leaves, twigs, dirt, or anything on the unit, it should be removed. If dirt buildup or any external elements impede your system's operation, clean or remove them using a shop vac or basic dust cloth. Now, this step consists of basic and easy tasks, but if you feel any of them are beyond your skill level, feel free to skip them and leave the job for your local AC maintenance team. After you’ve gathered your supplies, you will need to remove the access panel and check the condenser coils for dirt or debris. You can use a shop vac to quickly remove most of the mess and debris, but don't worry if you don’t have one. You can remove large items with your gloved hands and clean any residual dirt with a damp cloth before replacing the access panel. We promised we would circle back to your air filter from the previous point. Some systems utilize a permanent filter, so you would need to remove the filter and clean it as specified in your system’s instructions. They can typically be cleaned using a vacuum brush attachment or washed with warm water, but before you choose how you plan to clean it, you must refer to your system’s manual for detailed instructions.

The Importance of Professional AC Maintenance

Our Technician Working on a Air Conditioner

Your air conditioning system works hard during the summer months, so it’s vital to ensure that it’s clean and ready for heavy usage during the season. Because your air conditioner compressor is located outdoors, it’s important to keep it clean and free from damaging materials. If you can’t find time in your busy schedule to tackle these big tips, you can always reach out to your local AC maintenance professionals at Blazer Heating, Air, and Plumbing. We are a locally-owned provider of heating and cooling solutions for customers in Richmond and surrounding communities. You won’t find a better investment of your time or money than a tune-up and maintenance plan with your local HVAC specialist. We’ve served the community since 1989, and it would be a pleasure to provide you with AC maintenance. Contact our office at (804) 277-2458 today to schedule an appointment!